There are many reasons why shopper bags are the ideal type of handbag. The stylish design adds prestige to any outfit and the handy compartments have lots of space for your wallet, mobile and make-up case. Just hang your shopper bag over your shoulder or forearm and you're good to go!
At Sevens, we have many different brands of shopper bags in a variety of designs, materials and sizes. Are you looking for a striking shopper by Balenciaga, or a timeless classic by Loewe? We have the perfect shopper bag for every bag lover. Discover your favourite one online and soon you’ll be strolling through the city with your new shopper bag on your arm!
Loewe Medium Anagram Basket Bag Iraca Palm And Calfskin

Loewe Medium Anagram Basket Bag Iraca Palm And Calfskin
Loewe Large Flamenco Clutch Nappa Calfskin

Loewe Large Flamenco Clutch Nappa Calfskin
Sold Out
Loewe Small Anagram Basket Bag Iraca Palm And Calfskin

Loewe Small Anagram Basket Bag Iraca Palm And Calfskin
Loewe Small Anagram Basket Bag Iraca Palm And Calfskin

Loewe Small Anagram Basket Bag Iraca Palm And Calfskin
Loewe Medium Anagram Basket Bag Iraca Palm And Calfskin

Loewe Medium Anagram Basket Bag Iraca Palm And Calfskin